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Wildheart of the Month | Patrick

It’s time for a brand new Wildheart of the Month (WOM)! Every month we interview one of our Wildhearts. We ask them about their CrossFit journey, their day job, their favorite movements and about some other goofy stuff. This month our WOM is Patrick Ducaneaux (39), Senior digital marketing specialist at Fedex and roughly 4 years part of the Wildhearts family!

Timing is everything

At work it’s my job to reach new customers and keep our current customers by sending out the right message, at the right time, on the right platform, so timing is everything. It is really nice work and the only thing that is hard is to travel to our office in hoofddorp every day and not be in my beloved city Rotterdam!

From kicking ball on the soccer-field to kicking ass in the ring

I’ve played soccer all my life and did Thai boxing when I was younger, until I reached my adolescent years, where going out and having fun was something I was more interested in. I was pretty good playing defense playing soccer, so kicking ass in the ring was something that was kind of natural to me ;)

Because of the Wildhearts virtual classes I got out fitter, then going in the lockdown

CrossFit, is that something like doing Fitness?

Starting my CrossFit journey was because of Mieke (my girlfriend), because she wanted to start doing CrossFit. I did not have a clue what it was and thought it was something like doing fitness. When I joined my first class I was sold, because it was awesome!

Go hard or stay home

What I really loved about CrossFit from day one is that everyone in class was going hard and try to go to the max of their capacity. That was something I haven’t seen anywhere else and that’s why I fell in love with CrossFit. Also, the fact that there were so many exercises that I couldn’t do, triggered me to become better at it. Doing soccer and Thai boxing for so many years wasn’t a challenge to me anymore and CrossFit gave me a challenge and still does every single day.

Fit for life

Why I keep doing CrossFit is because, first of all every single class I join is challenging me and helping me become fitter, stronger and healthier. Second, is the fact that I’m not getting any younger and I want to stay fit for life. I have a young mind and want to keep my body somewhat on the same level.

Favorite Wildheart memory

This is, without a doubt, my first Club Games! The atmosphere, the workouts, getting second place finisher, the afterparty, basically everything about the Club Games was awesome. So of course, I’m really bummed that this year’s Club Games had to be cancelled, but totally understandable. It’s really unfortunate, because at my first Club Games I was in a scaled team and this year I qualified for a RX team and was looking forward to the challenges lying ahead of us. Anyway, I’m looking forward to train towards next years’ Club Games.

Adapt & overcome

I’m super proud being a Wildheart and have utmost respect on how the Wildhearts crew has handled the whole Covid-19 situation! I’m super thankful that they have transitioned quickly and provided a well thought out, high quality, alternative service and kept me fit during the lockdown period. Lots of love and kudos for the crew and that’s also part of the reason why I’m a proud Wildheart. The 'adapt and overcome' mentality shows that Wildhearts can’t be broken.

Workout Patrick

This year all Wildhearts of the Month will be honored with their own WOD. Their favorite movements, modalities and duration are combined in a special workout that is given their name. This is the workout of Patrick:

For time

40 Burpees otb

60 Deadlifts

800m Run

60 Sumo deadlifts

40 Burpees otb

The workout ‘Patrick’ will be the Workout of the Day on Sunday the 21st... Don't miss it!



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