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Wildheart of the Month | Roeland

It’s time for a brand new Wildheart of the Month (WOM)! Every month we interview one of our Wildhearts. We ask them about their Crossfit journey, their day job, their favorite movements and about some other goofy stuff. This month our WOM is Roeland Lintermans (30), physiotherapist and manual therapist, a member for almost a year now, coming from the far far north… (Groningen).

Where it all began

‘I started Crossfit at Crossfit Noord in Groningen. Me and my friends used to play soccer, but we decided to find a new sport. Fitness bored us, and then we found out there was a thing called crossfit. This box was one of the first boxes in the Nederlands (we are talking 7 years ago), and my coaches where one of the best of the Netherlands so that was very inspiring.’

‘I am a performance driven person, so I wanted to become better at the different modalities of Crossfit. During the last 7 years I joined some competitions inside and outside my box, just to measure myself and give myself a challenge. This year I tried to qualify for the Battle of the North for example, but I didn’t make it unfortunately.

The road to Rotterdam

‘I grew up in Dronten, and after my studies in Groningen I moved back to Dronten to work as a physiotherapist and manual therapist. I loved my job! I used to treat some of the members of my box back there as well and I really liked working on sport related problems. Four years ago I met my girlfriend who is from Rotterdam. We travelled back and forward, but after four years we decided to move in together. Dronten wasn’t an option for her, so I moved to Rotterdam. I really like it here!’

I work in Rotterdam-Zuid now, in a neighborhood where the socio-economic status of a lot of people is low. There is also a big aging population, so I see a lot of older people. My main focus is spine related problems now, so neck, back and shoulder issues. So I work with a lot of work-related, posture related problems. Sometimes I miss my old job, but the problems I work with now are a very interesting and a challenging for me.

A gift for muscle ups

‘My absolute favorite movement is the muscle-up. The very first time I tried to perform a muscle-up I managed to do one immediately. So I think I have a gift ;). I am still working on my bar muscle-up, because with fatigue I think it is difficult to stay in the ‘flow’ of the movement. Coach G gave me some good advice, so I am working on that now. The ring muscle-up is definitely my best movement at the moment, I am able to do 13 in a row I think.

I like to combine the muscle-ups with barbell movements, like the snatch. I actually really liked the workout ‘The Standard’ during the games of 2019. That is 30 clean & jerks, 30 muscle-ups and 30 snatches. I would love to try it once.

Next to muscle ups I like everything body weight related, so HSPU’s, pull-ups, pistols for example. Preferably in a chipper, so you can just do the work and tick things off the list. Everything cardio-related is not my thing.. running, airbike, wallballs, burpees.. and also double unders. I do crossfit for 7 years now and I still struggle with them. Partly my own fault, I don’t practice them…’

Make new memories

My favorite Wildheart memory to date is the Open. I really liked the atmosphere, the audience, the organization. This year I couldn’t join the Weekender but I would love to join next year. And I am really looking forward to the Club Games. First practice my swimming a little bit ;). So let’s make a lot of new favorite memories upcoming year!

Workout Roeland

This year all Wildhearts of the Month will be honoured with their own WOD. Their favorite movements, modalities and duration are combined in a special workout that is given their name. This is the workout of Roeland:

For time (partitioned any way)

90 Pistol squats

60 DB snatch 22,5/30kg

30 Ring muscle-ups

The workout 'Roeland' wil be the Workout of the Day at Sunday 22 March Don't miss it!



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